Over the Moon Bouquet

Over the Moon Bouquet

Size: Standard

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Learn About the Over the Moon Bouquet

It is introducing the James Cress Florist Over the Moon Bouquet! If you're looking for the perfect way to bring warmth and comfort into someone's day, this elegant bouquet will make them feel over the moon. With its soft half-moon shape and dazzling display of pink roses, waxflowers, and eucalyptus, it's sure to delight with its subtle beauty. So whether you want to send a heartfelt thank you or show how much you care, this bouquet will take their breath away. Whether it's sent as a gesture of congratulations or love, this stunning arrangement promises to brighten any room. Its fragrant blooms are complemented by an evergreen combination of glossy eucalyptus leaves - their color adding hints of nature into your present. So please show your appreciation for that special someone in your life -- surprise them with this dreamy bouquet from James Cress Florist and make them feel genuinely over the moon!
Over the Moon Bouquet

Over the Moon Bouquet


Over the Moon Bouquet

Size: Standard

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Over the Moon Bouquet Flower Care

Step 1: Once you recieve your Over the Moon Bouquet flower delivery, cut stems 1/2 of an inch with scissors (if applicable).
Step 2: Add some of the provided flower food into the vase or cylinder of your Over the Moon Bouquet arrangement and fill with cold water.
Step 3: Drain water, remove any flower debris from the vase (if applicable), snip stems with a scissor 1/2 of an inch and refill with fresh cold water.

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