Beautiful Day Bouquet
Beautiful Day Bouquet
Beautiful Day Bouquet

Beautiful Day Bouquet

Size: Standard

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Learn About the Beautiful Day Bouquet

Beautiful Day Bouquet Surprise them with a stunning display of lilies, roses and other elegant florals, handcrafted by our local florists. Please Note: The bouquet may vary in color and vase, but will always be fresh and beautiful. Designed by James Cress in a gold–dipped glass vase, it's ready to be displayed. To ensure long-lasting blooms, change the water daily and trim the stems every couple days. Pet Safety Precautions: Keep this arrangement out of reach of pets, as it may include toxic flowers and foliage. Fresh & Safe Delivery - no signature required, simply left at the front door to delight.
Beautiful Day Bouquet

Beautiful Day Bouquet


Beautiful Day Bouquet

Size: Standard

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Beautiful Day Bouquet Flower Care

Step 1: Once you recieve your Beautiful Day Bouquet flower delivery, cut stems 1/2 of an inch with scissors (if applicable).
Step 2: Add some of the provided flower food into the vase or cylinder of your Beautiful Day Bouquet arrangement and fill with cold water.
Step 3: Drain water, remove any flower debris from the vase (if applicable), snip stems with a scissor 1/2 of an inch and refill with fresh cold water.

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