Gorgeous Spirit Basket

Gorgeous Spirit Basket

Size: Standard

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Learn About the Gorgeous Spirit Basket

The Gorgeous Spirit Basket flower bouquet contains Carnations, Stock, Roses, Lilies, and Fuji Mums. Each bloom is a thoughtful reminder of your support and love while sitting in a beautifully crafted basket. Order for flower delivery to New York, Long Island, the Local Florist near you! Bring joy through special, vibrant colors! Create a special moment with the Gorgeous Spirit Basket flower bouquet, filled with Carnations, Stock, Roses, Lilies, and Fuji Mums - a showstopping combination that will make each moment truly memorable! Send a thoughtful reminder of your love and support to New York, Long Island, and your Local Florist today!
Gorgeous Spirit Basket

Gorgeous Spirit Basket


Gorgeous Spirit Basket

Size: Standard

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Gorgeous Spirit Basket Flower Care

Step 1: Once you recieve your Gorgeous Spirit Basket flower delivery, cut stems 1/2 of an inch with scissors (if applicable).
Step 2: Add some of the provided flower food into the vase or cylinder of your Gorgeous Spirit Basket arrangement and fill with cold water.
Step 3: Drain water, remove any flower debris from the vase (if applicable), snip stems with a scissor 1/2 of an inch and refill with fresh cold water.

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