Silver Snowflake Bouquet Premium

Silver Snowflake

Size: Premium

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Learn About the Silver Snowflake

Step into a winter wonderland with our Silver Snowflake Bouquet, a stunning arrangement that captures the essence of the season's splendor. This bouquet features the pure beauty of velvety white roses and the intricate detail of alstroemeria, interspersed with the vibrant blues of delphiniums and contrasted by the rich textures of pinecones and lush green foliage. Each element has been carefully chosen to represent the joy and serenity of a snowy day. Encased in a clear glass vase, this bouquet not only symbolizes the season's beauty but also brings its tranquil elegance right into your home. Perfect for holiday celebrations, as a thoughtful gift, or simply as a way to brighten the shorter days, the Silver Snowflake Bouquet is a breath of fresh, frosty air.
Silver Snowflake

Silver Snowflake


Silver Snowflake

Size: Premium

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Silver Snowflake Flower Care

Step 1: Once you recieve your Silver Snowflake flower delivery, cut stems 1/2 of an inch with scissors (if applicable).
Step 2: Add some of the provided flower food into the vase or cylinder of your Silver Snowflake arrangement and fill with cold water.
Step 3: Drain water, remove any flower debris from the vase (if applicable), snip stems with a scissor 1/2 of an inch and refill with fresh cold water.

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